If you continue to have problems, please contact us here.
This form is part of the Peak Family Dental Centre website at CranbrookDentist.ca.
Required fields and those with errors are marked with a red border.
When you're ready to start, click "Begin" below.
2. Are you currently taking any medications or vitamins?
4. Are you allergic to or ever had a reaction to any of the following?
Local Anesthetic ("freezing")
Aspirin (ASA)
Sulfa Drugs
6. Do you bleed more or longer than mormal after a cut, bruise, surgery or previous tooth removal?
7. Have you ever had a serious illness or operation?
8. Do you currently have or ever had any of the following conditions?
Heart Trouble or Stroke
Heart Murmur
Thyroid Disorder
Rheumatic Fever
Breathing Problems
HIV Positive
Tumors or Cancer
High/Low Blood Pressure
Liver Disease
Kidney Disease
Mental Illness
Epilepsy or Seizure
Blood Disorders
Hormonal Disorder
9. Women: Are you pregnant?
10. Is there anything else we should know about your health?
11. What dental condition(s) concern you at present?
12. What is the name and contact info for your previous dentist?
13. Were X-rays taken at your last dental visit?
14. What do you want for your teeth over the next 20 years?
15. Have you noticed any signs of the following:
Bleeding Gums
Drifting of Teeth
Gum Ache
Receding Gums
Loose Teeth
16. Do you have any clicking, popping or pain in your jaw joint?
17. Are you aware of clenching or grinding your teeth?
18. Do you have any missing teeth that you feel should be replaced?
19. Would you like to improve the appearance of your teeth?
21. Have you had any complications or difficulty with previous dental treatment?
22. How do you rate yourself as a dental patient?
Slightly Nervous
Very Anxious
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By clicking "SEND", I hereby certify that the Medical and Dental Histories provided are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I consent to the performing of the dental and oral surgery procedures agreed to be necessary or advisable, including the use of general or local anesthetic or any drugs as indicated and I will assume responsibility for fees associated with those procedures.
Answer this skill testing questions to make sure you are human...
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